Secondary Education
Smart Classrooms for Secondary Education
Devotra offers Smart Classrooms for Secondary education
The Smart Classroom Concept will be customised to meet each specific needs on various subjects amongst others: Computer Science, STEM, Science, and Engineering Technology. In order to improve the teaching of the subjects and to prepare the students for a career in the sector of their choice with a blended mix of hardware and software resources.
The Smart Classroom is based on an active learning approach and incorporate project based activities wherever possible.
Smart Classrooms are often considered as classrooms with a focus on ICT hardware and software and in particular the use of so called “Smart Boards” and other audio/visual equipment. These have now been introduced widely in Africa from Primary to Higher Education level.
However the Devotra Smart Classroom concept goes much further that the traditional interpretation of a Smart Classroom and actually brings 21st century education systems to Africa. The Digital STEM Library space provides students with a wide range of educational experiences that integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Modern technologies are featured here, with an emphasis on science. Using the Smart Classroom will encourage better results in a wide range of Level 2 STEM subjects, including GCSE Mathematics and Science.
The Devotra Smart Classroom concept for Secondary Education programs seamlessly integrates the following components:
• Digital Resources Library with over 3000 lessons
• Practical demo and training units linked to the Digital Resources Library
• State-of-the-art ICT laboratory for exploration, investigation, on-screen simulations, virtual experiments and presentations
• Top quality ergonomic designed furniture to create a modern and inspiring learning environment
• Long term technical support, training and after-sales
• A future proof solution that is available offline and/or online via a
suitable E-learning platform
• Mapping to the local Secondary Education Curriculum
The typical STEM Lab configuration includes the following 12 themes:
• Biomedical Technology
• Engineering design
• Architectural technology
• Construction engineering
• Engineering design
• Mobile robotics
• Mechatronics
• Manufacturing technology
• Mass transportation
• Industrial robotics
• Electronics technology
• Transportation technology